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Posted 16/01/2022 in Category 1 by Kym Vincenti

The Positive Side To Anger.

The Positive Side To Anger.





And that is perfectly alright.


Mother nature shows us opposites in all things.


The gentle growth of a flower into beautiful bloom and the aggressive growth of the bindweed that strangles everything it touches.


The casual flow of a river to the terrifying power of a tsunami


A summer breeze and a raging gale


The drifting tide and a choppy sea


The flickering flame of a candle and the uncontrollable forest fire


These are the laws of nature, and they show us that calm can turn to rage in an instant.


The same applies to us.


Too often we’re told we shouldn’t get angry. We shouldn’t scream and shout and rage because it’s no good for us – but I disagree. 


We are nature made, just like the elements and we have our opposing traits just like they do. Anger is a natural emotion, and we should not deny it.  


I am not suggesting that you go around shouting at people who make you angry, but I am suggesting that release it.   I’m big on releasing. Sometimes on paper, sometimes with fire and sometimes with a bloody big yell! But where? That is the question. Where can you let it all out without being called a mad woman? 


Shouting and screaming at someone does not make you feel good. Well, at the time it might but it’s common to feel guilt and shame afterward. BUT, shouting about someone or something that has made you angry is a different matter entirely.


What is important is the release. The letting go of that anger that would otherwise fester inside. If we did more of that there would be less illness and disease because anger is like a tumour that grows inside poisoning everything it touches.


In another lifetime, I lived in Turkey for ten years. I was married to a native and we had a huge family. If you heard them talk to each other on the phone you would think there was about to be a war, but they weren’t arguing. They are emotive speakers and if they are angry then they talk angrily. 


We Brits have spent a lifetime being far too polite for our own good in some cases. The stiff upper lift and all that is responsible for far too much illness and disease if you ask me. 


If you get angry find a place to go where you won’t get arrested!


A forest is good but there is always the chance you’ll give some dog walker a fright.


So, here’s my top tip …


Find a song that has strong emotional value and sing it at the top of your voice in the car. I’m sure as you’re reading this, lyrics are coming to mind … I hate you so much right now

Crank up that volume, direct all of your anger into the song and think about the who or the what as you do so. It’s a great feeling of release, you’ll feel so much better afterwards, and you may even start laughing about it … I always do. 



Writrix & Anti-Ageing Activist

Kym Vincenti



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Kym Vincenti

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